Calling Pagan Bloggers

I know a lot of you who read and comment here have blogs – I see the links for the wordpress ones whenever you interact with my stuff. (WordPress would like me to stalk all of you.) Others of you are places wordpress prefers to pretend don’t exist, on tumblr and blogspot and the such. And if you aren’t a blogger, I’m prepared to bet you have friends who are, or blogs you like, so, no slinking off just yet, this could still be relevant!

As you may be aware, one of the things I do is write Pagan books for . Last year I started looking after the blog (and if you have community related content then talk to me, if I can use that space to support the Pagan community, I will). In the last couple of weeks, I also took on doing book promotion for Pagan authors there.

It would be fair to say that the selling of books is an arcane mystery which no one truly understands. You need a good book, but terrible books sell all too well and all too often. Good reviews and endorsements seem like a good idea, but do they sell books? Who knows? Word of mouth advertising sells books, that’s known, but how you achieve grass roots support for a book remains a guessing game. Some kind of magic happens, away on the ether. To be a marketing person is to practice a very obscure kind of magic, most days. Love, will, belief, and influencing the opinions of others are all part of it.

Like many authors, I actually find the language of marketing profoundly uncomfortable. Terms like ‘unique selling point’ leave me cold and twitching. I prefer to think in terms of good relationships, good karma, good reputation and having a good piece of work. Mostly, this seems to work. And when it doesn’t quite work, it’s still good, because you come away with good relationships a good reputation, good work and your good actions having created some good will in your favour. It might not sell this book, but perhaps it will sell the next one. I note that many successful pagan authors are also kind and generous people, and support flows back to them as a direct consequence.

Half the challenge is getting things started. You need the first handful of people to fall in love with a book and tell a friend. You need a few intrepid readers willing to have a go at something new and open to being persuaded by it. The question is, might that be you? Might you be open to reading work from unfamiliar authors and posting reviews? Might you post a shoutout on your blog for someone whose work you love? There’s free ebooks in it, and maybe the odd free print book, and a lot of appreciation, and the kind of good karma that gets results in this lifetime.

If this appeals to you, leave your blogsite link in the comments and a word or two about areas of interest if you have a particular focus. I can pick up your email address from that and add you to a mailing list, and every now and then I’ll be in your inbox, waving a thing I really hope you’re going to fall in love with.

31 thoughts on “Calling Pagan Bloggers

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  1. Went straight to the moon books blog via your link and realised immediately this is a whole genre that I’m at home with and should have been more aware of! Add me to your list…..

  2. Nimue, I used to have a website on spirituality and healing on WordPress but have had to take it down as I have metastatic cancer and at times it was too much to keep the beast fed. I would love to read and review any time you need someone. I am a druid and follower of Elen and a sporadic shamanic practitioner. I love stories of transformation and relationship. My spirituality is centered in mountain landscapes. I live in Montana, USA in a small town after a life in Washington, DC. My new life is a tremendous gift. I am madly in love with the Scottish Highlands and spend as much time there as possible.

  3. Hi Nimue,
    I would be interested in that! My blog is Not many followers yet on this blog, but I have a Dutch blog too and know quite a few people who would read English books about Pagan subjects.

  4. Hi Nimue. I would love to join in – I’m at My blog is mostly focused on creativity and inspiration, so I’m always happy to include books I enjoy 🙂 (My thanks too for the opportunity to discover more great blogs through these comments!)

  5. Hello Niue, a friend sent me your link and I’d love to help us with reading and reviews. I’m on Facebook at the moment but would be happy to review / post else where if it would help.

  6. I don’t have the time to read for leisure let alone write up proper reviews, otherwise I’d be all over this! I’ll share this info with a few of the Facebook groups I’m in though, and see if there’s any takers. I’ll also share this post on my personal blog as well, to help spread the word for you. 🙂

  7. Reblogged this on Ravings of a Madman and commented:
    Hey guys! I don’t normally do this, but hey thought some of ya’ll might be interested. They’re looking for book reviewers for pagan and spiritual themed books. You’d get free e-books and the occasional print book out of the deal. I’d do it myself, but I haven’t the time to read for leisure let alone write reviews on top of it. Thought with the large community here, and the variety of us who populate it, this might strike someone’s fancy and also help people learn things they may never have thought of before.

  8. Hi Nimue, I have a blog that’s for writing and sharing thoughts, pictures, etc. It’s not strictly a pagan blog, but I consider myself a pagan and would love to promote pagan authors/books. I also have a feature called Favorite Friday where I share a favorite thing like a book, movie or TV show.

  9. I’m late to this party but I too would love to help. My blog is fairly young still and I’m finding my feet still but was thinking of doing a regular feature where I review books as I am a bit of a book hoarder!

  10. Hi, Nimue, Add me to your list too please, I don’t post regularly, due to stuff, but recent technological upgrades mean its likely to get easier (i.e. I can now post from my partner’s house which is where I’m most likely to have the time to do it 🙂 Particular interests are Druidry, Eastern Religion (Saivite Hinduism and some forms of Buddhism and links with Paganism) and anything connected with death, funerals, ritual and ancestors.

  11. I would love to do this – I have a Tumblr which is a lot more established with way more followers than this WordPress, so I would post to both. I used to do book reviews and features for a school library a few years ago, if that’s anything to you. 🙂

  12. I’d love to do a book review from time to time! Love work on spirituality, mysticism, the moon, wicca, pagan, art and illustration of such, yoga, tarot and such, I have kids so children’s books too on such subjects. All said I home educate so I don’t have tons of time to read but it’s a passion and I fit it in when I can. I am also one who grew up Christian but found my place with the earth and the Goddess.

    I am on 🙂 Thank you!

  13. If this is still an open call, I’ll pile on. I have several blog pages, one for book reviews and book-related things and one for Pagan related things I also write Pagan-themed fiction, primarily fantasy thrillers. Let me know if collaboration seems like a possibility. I am definitely into promoting other Pagan authors. It can only be a plus for any of us because the more people are used to the idea of there being Pagan fiction for instance, the more there will be a distinct market for it.

  14. Hi yes I am interested. I have had a few things published in Hedgewytch, Brigid’s Fire, Deosil Dance, Silver Wheel, Pagan Dawn and Myddle Earth (PF Mid West and Wales). I started a blog last year but it isn’t just pagan related.

  15. Hello Nimue, I have a pagan blog at and I’m always on the lookout for books to review if the offer is still there. My blog is about my path as a witch, so anything on witchcraft, magick, spirituality, nature, folklore and even unfamiliar paths are all books I think my readers might like to know about. Keep up the good work!

  16. I’m the editor at Spiral Nature (, and my team has reviewed a few things from Moon Books in the past, but I’d love to be added to the mailing list for upcoming titles. We cover Paganism, divination, magick, and related topics.

  17. I do reviews all the time (okay every three weeks). I’m a Buddhist who does ceremonial magick, and I have a history degree, so I love the more academic/historic based stuff.

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