The Secret Order of Steampunk Druids

Who we are

The Secret Order of Steampunk Druids first occurred to me as an idea in 2012 because Professor Elemental publically announced that he wished to lead a cult and be Lord Summerisle. So here we are. ‘We’ from this point forth, is quite simple anyone who wants to join in. There is no formal structure. There is never going to be a formal structure. Anyone who wants a formal structure is entirely welcome to go and create one, somewhere else, and call it something. For the sake of historical reference and the maintenance of a revival-revival vibe, do consider claiming a much greater and more noble history than us, give yourself more authority and a bigger title. (More on this later).
If you’ve got this far the odds are good you either consider yourself to be a Druid, a Steampunk, or both. Realistically, if you aren’t one or the other, this might be a pile of pointless confusion for you, but feel free to join regardless. It might in fact be a pile of pointless confusion anyway, but let’s pretend we know what we’re doing. Actually, if you’re aspiring to Druidry, or Steampunk, that’s more than enough to make you perfectly qualified to join in, but please pay close attention to the section about giving yourself titles.
For clarity, your author is a longstanding practicing Druid, and quite serious about the Druidry, and an enthusiastic newcomer to the world of Steampunk. She is also totally devoted to subversion and taking the piss. And perhaps a little bit too partial to talking about herself in the third person.
The short of it is, if you wish to be a member of the Secret Order of Steampunk Druids, well done, you just joined. The rest is now up to you. Hopefully this little bundle of wordy mayhem will help you on your way. For now, initiate yourself with a nice cup of tea, or similar, and perhaps a bit of cake, feel free to contemplate what you might want to wear, and where you might take this, let me know if you are playing.

What we are doing?

Silliness, steampunkery, druidry, with things like cake, tea, mead and more cake being entirely reasonable added extras. Also, you can dress up if you want. Or you can be a Stealth Druid. It’s all good. Just no forum online, for the sake of not having a place to argue with each other about stuff.

Druidry, as I see it, is a spiritual dedication to seeking wisdom and inspiration to use for the good of your land and tribe.

What people believe is, as I see it, rather a separate issue. Druids believe all sorts of things. What we do and how we do it defines us far better than what we might believe.
What we do looks a bit like…
Promotion of Bardic skills (music, story telling, poetry etc).
Green consciousness and ecological awareness
Upholding heroic virtues
Promotion of technical creativity
Social responsibility

There are plenty of Druid folk who are Steampunks. There are plenty of people who do not feel at home in conventional Druid orders, who are too playful, too chaotic, not predisposed to taking themselves seriously. But it’s nice to have some kind of affiliation and know there are other people out there at least as crazy as you are.
What we do not exist to do is as follows. We are not here to attempt to convert any Steampunks to the Druid path, and we are also not in the business of trying to convert Druids to the Steampunk way of doing things. If anyone wants to come to us from one side to learn about the other, that’s lovely, and if people want to play with us because it amuses them to do so, that’s fine. A person’s actual beliefs are always their own business and never anybody else’s.
Our purpose is to do good stuff and have some fun along the way.

Structure, or the absence thereof

I hereby declare that the Secret of Order of Steampunk Druids should have no formal status, be that legal or financial, at all, ever. To this end, there will be no formal membership, no paperwork, no money will change hands and no one will police it.
Obviously, if anyone decides to take the name and do something terribly organised and lucrative with it, no one will have any power to stop them. But frankly, policing people is a lot of faff and I’d rather focus on the cake and the mead if it’s all the same. I may go so far as to frown at people who do not play nicely, but that’s it.

Structure is only useful if you want to get something specific done. The rest of the time it’s an excuse to hold meetings and shunt emails around and not actually do anything. Where there is power, there are people who want power, and that just detracts from the tea and the cake at the end of the day. So, if you have an aching desire to be terribly important in some way, this is not going to help you in the slightest. You’ll only achieve important status by doing something. Run an event. Make a thing. Be amazing. We’ll all be very impressed and get on with the ‘praise’ bit of the remit. But there are no posts here, no titles that actually mean something, no anythings, except for our entirely theoretical leader, Lord of Summerisle, Professor Elemental. Rest assured in the knowledge that he is perfectly qualified for the job by dint of his total disinterest in doing anything with it. Probably.
(Also, remember that you haven’t read the section on titles yet).

It is possible to have meetings, events and Druid circles with very little structure. Do what works, and what is needed, and treat the rest as far too much hassle and not worth the bother.

Rules, such as they are

1) The Secret Order of Steampunk Druids shall be in no way actually secret, because that would mostly defeat the object.
2) Be lovely.
3) Include anyone who wants in and who doesn’t seem excessively mad/dangerous /drunk/serious.
4) Do things that are good.
5) Encourage other people to do things that are good.
6) Possibly do some Druid things and some Steampunk things.
7) Pretend, make things up, improvise, flaunt your anachronisms and have fun.

Revival revival

The revival of Druidry was a period of great energy, inventiveness and dribbling insanity, with better hats. There was so much energy, craziness and creativity in revival Druidry, it would be fun to try and reclaim that without all the fibbing about where it really came from. Much of modern Druidry is simply what came from the happy madness of the revival folk in the first place, very little is truly ancient.

Giving yourself a title

If you know a lot about Druidry and have got this far, you probably don’t much like titles anyway. We aren’t going to have hierarchy, so all titles are essentially meaningless. If, for the purposes of play, satire and silliness you wish to have a title, do award yourself one. As a general rule I suggest that the less you know about Druidry, the more impressive your title should sound.

Other things to ponder…

Real things pretending to be fake things can be a lot of fun, and seriousness masquerading as play often gets more work done than just plain old seriousness.
Secret and mysterious public rituals could be very funny, and it would be interesting to try and be both playful and meaningful at the same time.
Beards and costumes remain optional, do what makes you happy.

Our two major tenets are warmth, playfulness and comedy… our three, three major tenets are warmth, comedy, playfulness and a strange devotion to Professor Elemental, Lord Summerisle, no, four…
And if you do see Professor Elemental when you are out there, do consider it your proper business as a Steampunk Druid, to follow him round singing songs from The Wicker Man. If you don’t know any, just hum…

93 thoughts on “The Secret Order of Steampunk Druids

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  1. Oh this is going to be a giggle. Now to think of a title, and as in the real world im a bit of a nobody, time for me to be a bit camp with my new name.

  2. Melted sand into glass, and formed into the needed shape. The raw ingredients may yet be a bit contaminated after the war, and I always try to avoid collecting in areas where un-exploded ordinance remains, but one makes do. 🙂

    1. bearing in mind that we could offer bish as a benchmark for acceptable levels of drunkenness, Tom and I represent viable levels of insanity (ah, the power, the power) and we’ve got lots of serious people, if you can giggle, you’re going to be fine 🙂

  3. While Currently Not considering myself catagorized – I Feel Like a Steam Punk Druid ! and I am deffinatly glad this Order has come to be ! ❤

  4. …… Please ..Come …Say How Do……..The Things I’ll do for you …….Mmmmmm…Mmmmm…. I’ll catch a rainbow from the Sky,and Tie ….The Ends …. Togeather …….. (y) ❤

  5. Not being a Druid,can i join? I love steampunk,,,,,and am slightly insane…….the level perceived depends on whose opinion you seek 😉

    1. hello . Good co-dominant name . The StoneHenge 2017 fall equinox isn’t on YouTube at the time of this writing . The popular belief in a New Age return to the #druidnetwork seems to be a problem with the popular sense of New Order of Druids … but Steampunk don’t like a flagrant joke about the equivalent of Wicker Man being a problem with foreign affairs so the druids decided to not put fall equinox online as a kind of harm reduction of the druid network getting a review with the Modern Order of Druids with a networking possibility of talking to #druidnetwork at timeå of watching the video .

  6. Just been shown this by a friend…. Having no patience with the “I’m full of my own importance” druids this sounds perfect for me. Say hello to the Grand High Poobah of the Secret Order of Steampunk Druids lol. Love your writing style.

  7. Hickle, Tickle, Pickle Pop! Oh that’s enough Mead for me…What – oh yes count me in as long as I can wear my false wierdy beardy and declare my bum to the Moon (ahem, for hygene reasons obviously!)…x

  8. Late to the party as always. I’ll be claiming my ancestral title of The Monk. Nothing ecclesiastical, I just like monkeys. As I have no imagination I’ll patrol the sidelines, keep the snakes and tigers away, and observe the proceedings. I can also make beer runs.

  9. Very tempted to join, but it may be a little to formal and rigid for me…
    Unless of course I can dress up, drink tea, eat cake, and get involved in mysteriously meaningful public rituals 🙂

  10. I LOVE this…:-) Please count me in! I love the whole world of “steampunk” anyway and to combine the two is sheer madness and fun. More power to the order!

  11. I hereby declare fealty to the Secret Order of Steampunk Druids. As a novice (as in, I have no idea) Druid, my title is: Ethereal Sky-Lord of the Flying Forest of Iskatha.

  12. How am I just seeing this now? Definitely in! (By the way, that was the best definition of Druidry I have seen to date, I think. It is only in the last year that I have really self identified as Druid and that description is a post to which I will happily nail my banner, so to speak!) Recent interest in Steam Punk caused largely by my parents, both in their 70s, who have decided its their thing and are off to the Asylum. So yes, in! 🙂

  13. I’ve just come across this… and I love it already! I’m pagan by belief anyway and a newcomer to Steampunk, so working my beliefs into my steampunk character is on par for the course!

    Thank you for the lovely invitation and I am most happy to join…

  14. I don’t know if I can cope with this. My first thought was go into the greenhouse and perform a ritual to prevent the crops growing again next year. But then I pondered on the contemplative fact that I should go sit in a lighted room with a torch shining on my face and sip marmalade and peanut butter (crunchy if one must know), through a straw. PErhaps, maybe or not…………

  15. Greeting . magic internet2 networking✌ The First Church of Cannabis , Spirit Science and Metaphysics : Acolyte of network loading 🐢 Order of Science 🐳 Druid 3 adept 2 CSH 18322.75-one Free State networking 2 .

    1. I’m kidding . ready 123 . I’m 43 . on my 42nd unBday I got … not any big gifts .,. just the Magna Carta of Manna Legal . I’m kind of into cheering up Trump and I keep getting gifts of responsibility which I work on each day . I’m telling You I’m joking .. private address .. 🐢

  16. Hhmmm .. . let’s see; “Secret Order of Steampunk Druids”. That’s “SOoSD”. which is, etymology-wise, an archaic for of “Saused” which is either an excellent state of drukeness, a specially prepared mushroom sauce using magic-mushrooms (who knew that mushrooms practiced magic??) or any concoction used on one’s favorite food. Said concoction usually containing booze, mushrooms, ganga or something else that would make Professor Elemental very proud of you as being very Steam Punkish.

  17. I am offering my Apology about a type net so short form£ it didn’t get compatibility on the Al-Hadeed start up of fakeý admin of hybrid cloud .
    being polite I have a disorder which becomes more promonent in theñ
    case study of Oakland California and Denver Colorado getting psiloçý
    mushrooms decriminalised and realising transhumanism . Peace now

    I simply offer apology without the pseudo propganda equivalent of the
    Dravits disorder in our socialist belligerent regime of polluted times ….

    if you will realize the grammar part of the brain is often shallow and sy
    llabte and tends to interrupt and make pretense a nomer of egoisma ..
    you will get the issue of my ruling of the Secret Order is my new level .

    I am now 11th level NinJa druid of hello-druid-2 io pragramming net✌
    and a 3rd Level rainbow warriot being spec op Agent ☮ of Orion 3°2

    we as a Tea Party of “non profit” Manna Party are tired of Venusa sio!
    belligerent foreign affairs getting a problem of geom ag net ic HAARP
    with the setting of Sector A or 3000 systems Star N Planet spaceforce

    … in way of the premonition of Life Out There . time to be at ease with
    the powers that be .. free enterprise will get tired of automate defense
    and make time defense 2 something we can mature about . PeaceUp

    I am a fun and wild energy person with a disorder of outbursts but the
    issue of mental health is taking a small leap after the Apollo Program*
    anniversary and decriminalization of psilcybe mushrooms os making£
    a potential Nobel Prize peaceful transition of transhumanism more of!
    Decrim or Bust in terms of excise tax on product market taxes added¡
    to end product or sales tax a real issue of socialist misnomer . Peace

    like global peace now . thank you if you don’t puny this . Peace now *

    that’s my entire report to the WordPress Order . peace be with you !!¡

  18. Ok, my grove meets day after tomorrow (first time live in person in months!), and I must take this to share! I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants…(of course, I’m 72, so whenever I laugh or cry I wet my pants, but I digress…)

    Anything that furthers the cause of cake and silliness is a Good Thing.

    –The Most Highest, Exaultedest Somethng-or-other (Still working on the title, I’ll get back to you) –M.A.

  19. Been interested in the occult for a while, and always liked steampunk style. Just learning about druidry now, so a perfect fit! Already made my title: the Sage of the Mountains

  20. What a lovely thought. Good for you! A friend who thought of himself as a shaman turned me on to steampunk by way of Abney Park as kids. I still listen to it every so often.

  21. I am a Druid and I have a coat that was sold to me as “Steampunk,” so I guess I am already a Steampunk Druid! 

  22. Found this sometime last year or the year before I think thought it sounded awesome then and even though I kinda of forgot about it between then and now I think it still sounds awesome. I wanted to join when I first found it so ive been a secret memeber even when I myself had forgotten. I still need to think of a really fancy sounding title though.

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