About Nimue

I write fiction and non-fiction. Much of my non-fiction Pagan material is published by Moon Books. My graphic novel series, Hopeless, Maine is published by Sloth Comics in the UK and Outland Entertainment in the US. I’m also with Tenebrous Texts.

I do the Patreon thing, join at the ‘bards and dreamers’ level for Druid content – I serialise books in progress. Little Fictions level gives you fiction, Steampunk Druid gives you both and there are other levels both cheaper and more expensive. https://www.patreon.com/NimueB

If you’d like to support me but don’t want to make an ongoing financial commitment, there’s also this for one-off donations –  Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com You can find my self-published books in my ko-fo store – pay what you like. https://ko-fi.com/O4O3AI4T/shop

I sing with Carnival of Cryptids and play viola for Jessica Law. Sometimes also I play viola for Keith Errington and Robin Burton. I’ve been an occasional Swing Rioter too. I’m heavily involved in Gloucestershire steampunk shenanigans. Aside from the steampunk, I’m very much into folk music, crafting and upcycling, I read omnivorously, I’ve been involved with the Transition Towns movement. I try to walk my talk. I hate being bored, love learning new things and trying new things and crave a life of adventure and delight.

I discovered Paganism in my late teens and Druidry in my early twenties. I’ve since been a Pagan Federation volunteer, and completed the OBOD grades. I also helped out for a while at The Druid Network as well.

I was a founding member of West Midlands Druid Gorsedd, Bards of the Lost Forest. During my decade in the West Midlands I also ran meditation sessions, workshops, a closed ritual group and a Folk Club.

I’ve been back in my native Gloucestershire for more than a decade now. I’m happier being on the Jurassic limestone – I live on the edge of the hills and not far from the Severn. This is the landscape my soul craves.

You can find me on Twitter as Nimue_B and on facebook as Nimue Brown . On Mastodon I’m https://mastodon.social/@Nimue_B and I do a weekly newsletter on substack https://substack.com/@nimuebrown I’m always happy to friend a pagan, steampunk, green, folky, author or anyone else I have anything at all in common with. I’m on instagram  and I have a lot of videos on youtube

If you would like to borrow a blog post to republish elsewhere, by all means do – just leave a comment and let me know. If you would like an article written specifically for your blog/magazine etc then email brynnethnimue at gmail dot com. If time permits, then I will normally say yes to such requests.

I review here and sometimes other places. I do not currently attend events outside the UK, but do sometimes show up for things closer to home.

55 thoughts on “About Nimue

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  1. So, I recieved this award and the rules are to pass it on. I have been reading more and more of your blog lately, and I thoroughly enjoy it. So I decided you worthy of the award.

    Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

    -Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post
    -Share 7 things about yourself
    -Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading
    -Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award

  2. Nice site. Usually new-age, pagan sites make me squirm.
    Although I’m a fairly scientific, atheistic thinker these days, I am drawn to druidry … warily! If something smacks of religious ritual I’m extra wary but daily walking and meditating in nature without fixed ideas or practices always seems to open a few doors. I’m especially impressed by one oak tree in a park not far from where I live here in Toronto, a tree that has turned me into a tree-hugger on many fronts, not least of which is a kind of druidic reverence for the oak, which also happens to be the symbol for the county of my birthplace, Derry (N.Ireland), “doire” = oak grove.

    1. I don’t see any difficulty in mixing rational and irrational, holding duel consciousness of the world that allows for thinking and feeling, intuiting and reasoning – I think its human to do both, so hopefully that makes me palatable to people who come at things from either side, or both. My primary position in all things is uncertainty, and I take lessons from my child in asking ‘but wy?’ at every available opportunity 🙂 Hugging trees is good.

  3. I think I have read all the blogs I have missed over the last month. I love your insightful blogs and your consistent daily posts.

  4. Your Blogs are Inspirational, Insightful, Full of Mystery and Intregiue (Cant Spell worth a Darn …lol) and I hope someday to learn enought about The Druidic Path to Honour and Cellebrate the Creator in a way that is as strong a balance between Harmonyand Chaos with Awen as you have done ! Brightest Blessings to both you and Tom ! ❤

  5. I really enjoy your blog, I am glad I stumbled upon it today. I just bought two of your books. Thank you for sharing your experiences 🙂

    1. Thank you! Well, there are over 700 posts on here now, so there’s quite a bit to poke about in. If specific topics occur to you, feel free to prompt me, if I have anything to share, I will.

  6. Hi Nimue I love what your write, it really strikes a chord with my own life. I included your article on Pagan Culture on one of my blog posts. Look forward to reading more. 🙂 xx

  7. Hi Nimue,

    I googled “pagan fiction recommendations” or something similar and found one of your pages; scanning it, I saw a reference to “Now that I have regular electricity and the Internet…”

    I thought to myself “Wow, sounds like somebody who lives on a narrowboat.”




      1. What lovely synchronicity. On the basis of this alone I have purchased “Hunting the Egret.”

        We’ve been living on a boat for two-and-a-bit-months, so I have intense sympathy for the lack of electricity to power one’s blogging.

  8. Hi Nimue 🙂 I came here by way of freshly pressed–I bet you’re getting a lot of traffic at the moment, but I just wanted to write a little comment to say how glad I am I found your blog.
    I’m always on the lookout for blogs by other pagans, and I’m looking forward to reading your writings.
    Also, cake and tea.

  9. Thank you for linking to the Exploratory Druid in your sidebar! I am glad that you like it enough to share. :] Your blog is one of my favorites to read, so it’s quite a compliment that you like mine.

  10. Iv’e been enjoying this blog… you bring a sense of balance, class, and dignity to our practice. Kind of like Bruce Lee saying to be like water, flowing without a need to blast at others… and like the Dalai Lama… being a source of peace and calm amidst a world that works like a hurricane. Your gentle force of observation is refreshing. Thank you.

  11. Hello, I found your blog today while doing further research on my ancestors surname Miracle which is a ” surname of Anglesey Wales”, and I was looking into the ancestral beliefs and lives and found your blog. I’ve been on this spiritual and personal journey for quite awhile now and I’m excited too learn and gather insight. I’m really enjoying your writings and I’m feeling drawn closer to (home). I hope this makes some sense. 🙂

  12. Hi, I did review your books When a pagan prays and Druidry and Meditation in Dutch on my facebookpage ‘Yggdrasil, info over Paganisme’ and posted a link to your blog there as well. I hope that is fine with you.

    I enjoyed reading them and found them very inspiring. Especially the one about meditation spoke to me.

    Blessed Be, Jack Stoop

  13. I recently wrote to compliment you for your wonderful WitchVox article. So guess how delighted I was to discover your inspiring and enlightening Druid Life website. I am the former Christian pastor who has become intensely interested in Paganism, Wicca and Druidry. So I want to compliment you again for being a fantastic source of information. Thank you.

  14. Dear Nimue,

    I’m currently reading one of your books (Spirituality without Structure bought on Google Play Books) and felt the urge to come here to thank you for your compassionate contribution! I’ve experienced an insight somewhat recently which has seen me go from being a stubborn atheist (what I call my ‘Atheist Adolescence’) to a …. hmmm… I don’t know what, but not that. It was in the spur of that ‘I don’t know what’ that made me seek out the in-between ‘religions’ – those that just didn’t fit with any of the others – because that’s where I am: I just don’t fit. Or rather I could fit in any of them – because part of that insight made me realize they’re all saying the same thing.
    I had come across your blog before (thoroughly enjoyed your Steampunk Druids btw!) and it was your rebeliousness that made me search for your books. I was looking for your definition/understanding of Druidry – but came across the ‘Spirituality without Structure’ which seems to have answered that question (or questioned that answer) and mine in more ways than I’d expected!

    So, with all the power two words can convey,

    Thank you.

      1. Hello again Nimue,

        I hope you are well today 🙂

        I’ve just finished your book and feel cajoled but cautioned – you say yourself “The vague suggestion of how to create a path in this book offers little by way of ease and comfort”. I feel a need to criticise the book, but in noticing that, I realize that need stems from my own misaligned expectations of the book – and then your advice chimes in and I see that I was looking for some kind of ready-made answer: I’m fairly sure you can perceive the absence satiety one might feel when approaching a book expecting to read “How to create your own spirituality/religion” and seeing the answer is “Figure it out for yourself”. But that lack of satiety, as I said, is my own fault. So you won’t hear any more criticism from me!

        I did want to bring your attention to two minor errors in the text however: page 61-62, you use “populous” instead of “populace”, and page 82-83 you have a sentence beginning “We none of us know what happens after death, […]”

        I’ve got to say you’ve piqued my curiosity with your understanding/usage of “Pagan” as a sort of umbrella label for “everyone whose religion doesn’t fit anywhere else” – in which case Paganism should be a fast growing demographic indeed! That being said I am tempted to get another of your books just to try to understand how you reconcile your apparently rational and grounded perspective of reality with the practice of rituals and invocations or whatever it is that Druids do… (so to that end, any book on Druidry by yourself will help in figuring that out – any particular recommendation?). Because that’s my struggle right now – drawn to a ‘practice’ but can’t help but feel foolish whenever I try a ritual (a wrongual?). I think I may be still too immature and grasping for the wrong things. Hmmm, yes. A re-read is in order.

        Well, I will sign-off here with another heartfelt thank you.

        I hope you enjoy your weekend!

      2. Hello Andrew, thank you for sharing your experiences of what I’ve written, I find this also very helpful. I’ve never written a book on ritual, because ritual is something i struggle with. Pagan Dreaming is probably my best title in terms of balancing the magical and the rational – that and when A Pagan Prays, but neither are how to books really 🙂 (This probably doesn’t come as a surprise)

      3. Hi again Nimue, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on magic and ritual as I’ve been trying to figure it out and I humbly hope it might help you in your own approach? Please share your thoughts and your own perspective if you have the time:
        Warm regards and may the Awen continue its beautiful work through you!

  15. Hey Nimue! Remember me?
    I hope so.
    I wrote a blog post about the similarities between SEO and Depression. Now, while you may not understand SEO, but I am sure you will resonate with the dark similarities between them. Do give it a read and let me know how it was!

  16. I have been following you for a while and now see that you are half man half beast.

    You’ve actually got a very masculine face and, if we are being honest, a bloke’s legs

    God bless you !

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