Books for Druids


At some point this year I’ll bring out my book on pilgrimage. It’s finished aside from the formatting and releasing issues. Currently on Patreon I’m working on a book about spirits of place. I already have books out exploring Druidry and the Darkness, and Druidry and the Future. Those are free as pdfs or pay what you like. You can find print versions on Amazon.

Over at Moon Books I have books about prayer, meditation, ancestry and dreaming.

At this point I’m being deliberately slow when it comes to writing non-fiction. Every book takes at least a year and explores a topic I’ve spent considerable time with. I won’t be starting the next book for some months, but I would like to settle on the theme for the next project and devote some time to pondering it well ahead of jumping in.

If there’s anything you’d particularly like me to write about, do please comment.

I’m considering the idea of doing an everyday Druidry book, focusing on small, everyday actions, and ways to integrate Druidry into the rest of life.

The prayer and meditation books are very much about those topics. I have wondered about doing a book of meditations or a book of prayers at some point. I’m also very much open to suggestion!

5 thoughts on “Books for Druids

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  1. So good to hear you’ll be working on another book. Themes that would interest me to read about would be spirits of place, everyday magic, and the question of social engagement — when it would be helpful to be involved and when it might be wiser to step back until an issue is better understood. Those are just some quick thoughts. Looking forward to whatever it is you write!

  2. I’m intrigued by your work in progress (?) on spirits of place. This is an excellent pan-Pagan topic.

    It’s so easy in mainstream culture (and especially in urban settings) to become disconnected from this level of reality, and this disconnect impacts us, I think, in ways we often don’t even recognize — we’ve been so brainwashed to believe that matter is the only thing that’s real. Even though I know better, it can sometimes be frustratingly hard to wiggle out from under the weight of that belief and the poverty of spirit it fosters.

    1. I’m not quite sure of the time scales, but once I have this written I will eventually get it into ko-fi as a free ebook, and will put something on here when that happens 🙂

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