I am Taurus

(Nimue, review)

This is a fascinating book and I can honestly say I’ve never read anything like it. In terms of subject matter, I am Taurus is an exploration of the role of bulls in prehistoric cultures. Most specifically aurochs. Stephen Palmer traces connections between different times and places around the mediterranean, all informed by the presence of a bull-like constellation. It’s a persuasive argument, rich in detail about prehistoric cultures.

However, this isn’t simply a non-fiction text. Stephen has undertaken to relate something of each culture he represents through the eyes of the bulls in question. This is what the title is all about – these first person narrations of the experience of being Taurus in different times and places. These tellings include the myths of the culture, related as the lived experience of the bull, which is a striking thing to encounter, I think it would be clear to most readers that these are stories and ideas, blending what we know about these times and peoples with speculation. However, the lines are not clearly drawn. I would have liked some notes – perhaps at the end – to clarify where the author has brought his formidable imagination to bear. Stephen is a well established speculative fiction writer, so this is something to factor in.

With all due reference to Robert Graves and The White Goddess, we do have problems in moden Pagansim with people reading speculative and poetic work as though it was hard fact. I love and value these kinds of speculative engagements that open up room for more ideas and more ways of seeing the world. We need imaginative engagement – that’s what myths are for. It’s when people insist on taking myths literally that the problems tend to start. 

Making meaning is itself a speculative process and I hope this book will help people see that and think about how it works. 

I really enjoyed this book. I’m no great expert in aurochs or prehistory but have enough of an acquaintance with both to really appreciate what Stephen Palmer has done here. You definitely don’t need to already be an expert to  get something out of it but at the same time I think you need at least some awareness of prehistoric cultures around the Mediterranean to get the most out of this book. I think at least low-level familiarity has been assumed so it’s not really suitable for anyone new to ancient Paganism. 

If it sounds like your sort of book then I can promise you an engaging read that will get you thinking and wondering.

More about the book here – https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/iff-books/our-books/i-am-taurus

4 thoughts on “I am Taurus

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  1. This looks interesting. I’ve been interested by Taurus as ‘the bull in the sky’ and the centrality of bulls and cows in the Indo-European traditions for a while particularly the bull sacrifice on the Gundestrup Cauldron and Tarvos Trigaronos. I’ve added this to my list and will buy a copy when it’s available. If you’re still in touch with Moon Books I’d also be willing to offer a review in return for a free copy if that’s something they might offer?

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